How to Buy Titano v2 Tokens – a step by step guide

How to buy Titano

Buying cryptocurrency can be daunting – there are numerous wallets and sites and networks and exchanges and coins and so on – so I’ve put together this guide to walk through buying Titano v2 tokens on Titano’s Swych exchange and how to see them stored in our Trust Wallet accounts. Please note that I am not a financial advisor and this is a guide only – I am not advising that you buy cryptocurrency. I do not know your financial situation and you should always perform your own research and make up your own mind. Investing is a high-risk activity and you should only invest what you can afford to lose.

How to buy Titano v2:

  • Sign up for a Trust Wallet account
  • Buy BNB Smart Chain through Trust Wallet
  • Exchange BNB Smart Chain tokens for Titano on Titano’s Swych DEX
  • Import Titano v2 address to Trust Wallet

We will also cover the What and Why later on in the post.

Step 1 – Sign up for a Trust Wallet account

Trust Wallet homepage

First things first – we will need a cryptocurrency wallet to store our Titano. In this guide, we will be using Trust Wallet as it is very easy to sign up for and use. There are plenty of other wallets out there to choose from and they should all be able to store Titano.

1.1 – To start, we head over to and download the app for our phone’s operating system. Alternatively, we can search for Trust Wallet on our phone’s app store.

1.2 – Once installed, open the app and tap ‘Create a new wallet’.

1.3 – Now this is the important bit. At this step, we will receive our unique pass phrase. This pass phrase is unique to this particular wallet and it is the only way we will be able to recover our wallet. To reiterate – if we lose this pass phrase, we will not be able to recover our wallet and, therefore, all our coins will be lost forever.

Once we have confirmed that we have stored our pass phrase, we are finished setting up our Trust Wallet. Although we are finished with the basic setup, I would advise going into the security settings and adding a passcode, and turning on Transaction Signing. I’ll cover this in more detail in a future post.

Step 2 – Buy BNB Smart Chain Tokens through Trust Wallet

Trust Wallet Home Screen
TrustWallet Home Screen

To buy Titano, we first need to buy BNB Smart Chain tokens. Luckily, we can easily buy BNB Smart Chain tokens through Trust Wallet.

2.1 – We will now ensure that BNB Smart Chain is on our list of saved tokens on the home screen. Please note that if “Smart Chain” is already listed on the home page then we can skip this step. Tap the icon that looks like two sliders in the top right corner of the home screen. This is how we search for and add new tokens to our Wallet’s home screen. Type in “Smart Chain” or “BNB”. We will now tap on the toggle icon to the right of “Smart Chain BNB”. If we go back to the home page, we will see the token listed there.

2.2 – Tap on “Smart Chain” to display token details and options. Tap on “BUY”, which is found in the top right-hand corner, and we will be taken to the initial payment screen.

2.3 – Enter the desired amount of $USD to buy BNB Smart Chain with. The app will automatically select the third-party provider with the best rate for us. We can tap on “NEXT” at this stage or we can choose a different third-party provider. I tend to stick with the same provider, MoonPay, as I’ve had nice smooth experiences with them and, by sticking with the same provider, it saves me from entering my payment details in extra places. The rates between providers are generally much the same. To change suppliers we can tap on the supplier box and select another from the drawer that pops up.

2.4 – Follow the instructions on the provider’s page to buy the BNB. Please note that there will be a transaction fee for buying. The fees will be stated before we buy.

2.5 – Once the transaction is in progress we can close the provider’s page and keep clicking back until we get to the wallet home page. The funds will likely not show straight away, but it shouldn’t take too long. My average wait time has been around 3 minutes.

Step 3 – Exchange BNB Smart Chain tokens for Titano on Titano’s Swych DEX

Titano Swych screenshot
Titano Swych DEX

Now we need to turn those BNB Smart Chain tokens into Titano. To do this we will use Titano’s Swych DEX (Decentralized Exchange). There are other places we can exchange for Titano – Pancake Swap, Bogged Finance – but I advise Swych as it means the transaction fees go towards improving the Titano ecosystem and we will receive the best rate.

3.1 – Head on over to

3.2 – Connect to Trust Wallet by tapping “Connect” in the top right corner >> “WalletConnect” >> “Connect”.

3.3 – Trust Wallet will open and will require our passcode if we set one up.

3.4 – At this point, we must check that we are on Smart Chain. We check by clicking on the box in the middle of the screen and ensuring that Smart Chain is checked. If another network is selected then simply tap on Smart Chain.

3.5 – Tap “CONNECT”.

3.6 – Navigate back to Swych

3.7 – On Swych, ensure the top field is showing BNB. Enter the amount of BNB to swap or, alternatively, tap “Max” to transfer it all. Note: I tend to hold some BNB back for transaction fees. Each transaction includes a small charge – BNB Smart Chain is the token that we need to perform transactions on the Smart Chain.

3.8 – Ensure the bottom field is showing TITANO V2. Click on the field and choose TITANO V2 if it is not showing.

3.9 – We will need to set the slippage percentage at this point. Tap on the gear icon and set the Slippage Tolerance to at least 13%. I’ve found that I need to put 15% before the transaction will go through. Close the settings window.

3.10 – Tap on “Swap” >> “Confirm Swap”

3.11 – After authorizing the transaction, we should be presented with a screen stating the transaction is submitted. If the transaction fails then increase the slippage by 1% and try again until the transaction is submitted.

Step 4 – Import Titano v2 address to Trust Wallet

Trust Wallet add token screenshot
Import Custom Token TrustWallet

Now to view those tokens in Trust Wallet, we need to add the Titano v2 address. This is an optional step as we can view the tokens on the Titano website, but for the ease of seeing all your tokens in one place, I recommend completing this step.

4.1 – Open Trust Wallet and tap on the icon that looks like two sliders located in the top right of the home page.

4.2 – Scroll right to the bottom of the list and tap “Add Custom Token”.

4.3 – Change Network to Smart Chain if it is not already selected.

4.4 – Paste this Titano v2 token address into Contact Address. 0x4e3cABD3AD77420FF9031d19899594041C420aeE

4.5 – After pasting the address, the remaining fields should automatically be populated, but if they aren’t then enter “Titano” for Name, “TITANO” for Symbol, and “18” for Decimals.

4.6 – Tap “DONE” in the top right corner.

4.7 – When you return to the Trust Wallet home screen then you will see Titano with the amount of Titano coins you hold.

And that’s it. We have successfully bought Titano and are tracking it on Trust Wallet. As simple as that!

What is Titano?

Titano was the first token to provide automatic staking and compounding simply by holding the token in a wallet. This means that by holding Titano, the token will automatically gain interest and compound without us needing to do a thing but hold the token in our wallet. Titano has a fixed APY of 102,483.58% which means if we purchase $1000 worth of Titano, and IF the token holds the same value, then after one year our Titano balance will be worth over $1million!

Titano aims to sustain and payout this high APY in a few ways – the main way being the high buy and sell tax – 13% buy (remember the slippage from earlier?) and 18% sell. Although these rates are high in the cryptocurrency world, this level of buy/sell tax is common among the numerous high APY forks and copies of Titano that have come out.

Should I buy Titano?

No one can answer that question but yourself. You need to way up the pros and cons and make your own decision. Only you know your own financial situation. The rule of thumb is to only invest what you can afford to lose.

I currently hold Titano tokens in my portfolio and I will do so for the foreseeable future – I’m looking forward to seeing where this project goes. When I invested I accepted that I may never see that money again – please keep that in mind.

Here is a list of pros and cons of investing in Titano:


  • Very easy platform to buy into and work with
  • Extremely high APY
  • Extras such as Titano Play and Titano Lottery (Coming soon) add other ways to win Titano


  • High buy/sell tax
  • Relatively young idea – no one knows for sure how sustainable this model will be
  • As with all investing, you could lose all the money you invest

What is Titano PLAY?

Titano PLAY is a feature on the Titano website that works like a raffle. Holders of Titano can enter their tokens into PLAY with each of their tokens counting as a raffle ticket. The prize pool at the time of writing is in the hundreds of thousands, but it resets once a week after the draw. There are 25 winners each week who all receive an equal share of the prize pool. Tokens entered into PLAY are not lost, they are simply held in PLAY and automatically entered into the raffle. The high APY is not active on the tokens held in PLAY, but those tokens do still receive a smaller variable APY. The tokens can be removed from PLAY at any point however there is a decreasing 30% charge for removing them within the first 16 days.

Titano PLAY adds a bit of fun to holding Titano, but it does mean the crazy high APY isn’t working to its full potential. Of course, if you win the raffle and you haven’t held your tokens in PLAY for too long then you will be better off.

Found this guide helpful? Here is another crypto how to: Lucky Block | How to Buy and Why

Signing off

Iain McClafferty – The Five Year Mortgage

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